About Us

Common Ground Ensemble is a platform for deep human connection and cooperation, a curated “talent pool” of people who care, with an infrastructure to make things happen.


We believe that if you bring together outstanding people, who otherwise wouldn’t meet, and create an atmosphere of trust, great things will happen.

Ensemble is for people that share the same values, that have ideas, dreams and aspirations and the desire to deeply connect with people they otherwise might not meet.

We create a movement centered around what it means to belong: Reciprocal and transformational relationships for a greater purpose - to accelerate and augment human talent and passion, frame and give voice to stories and unique perspectives that need to be told and to give each individual a feeling of wholeness and opportunity. We celebrate the unique individual while acknowledging that real systemic change can only come from the collective.

Like the musical ensembles from which we take our name, we believe that the most beautiful transformations happen when talented people from all walks of life lend their unique talents and voices to a common purpose.


Bringing people together who otherwise never meet is central to Ensemble’s mission. By creating environments that promote meaningful connection and conversation we create a fertile ecosystem of talent, curiosity and perspective - one which has proven to be rich soil for the development of new ideas and opportunities. The diverse skillsets and experiences of Ensemble members has helped bring ambitious projects to life including companies formed, funding sourced, artistic and culinary collaborations launched, new partnerships developed, and new avenues opened for organizations to secure much-needed resources.

The Team

  • Constanze Niedermaier

  • David Stevens

  • Amanda Dugan

  • Yifei Wang

  • Jen Luck

  • Oliver Niedermaier

Common Ground Kauai

Our “physical home” is Common Ground Kauai, a hospitality and lifestyle company that is deeply rooted in place, for people eager to make a difference, modeling regenerative practices and providing immersive experiences around food.  On a 60-acre former sugar plantation and guava farm on the island of Kauai, we are growing food in a regenerative agroforest, and our goal is to examine the impacts of food systems and to demonstrate how regenerative communities can be built with food as the great connector.  

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Common Ground Ensemble is a platform for deep human connection and cooperation.